Sustainable Healthcare in APAC: Financing & Delivery Models
Idea Crowdsourcing
Submit your ideas to our thematic-specific problem statements between 3rd of December 2020 to 3rd of January 2021. Selected ideas will be notified by 8th of January 2021.
Healthcare innovation is upon us
The journey to achieving sustainable healthcare in APAC can only be made possible with our collective effort.
To play our part in the journey, EU-ASEAN Business Council is hosting a virtual ideation effort with the support of Sanofi, KPMG and World Economic Forum to gather innovative concepts that seek to revolutionise the healthcare delivery and financing models in APAC from like-minded people like you. . The ideas will serve as inputs for the programming and high level dialogue on global health system resiliency at relevant World Economic Forum-hosted events.
Challenge the conventions, get out of the box, share with us your exciting ideas. We look forward to your participation!

Overview of idea crowdsourcing
The Asia Pacific is home to about 60% of the world’s population. It is faced with multiple factors that challenge the sustainability of the delivery and financing models of existing healthcare systems – aging population, the rise in communicable and non-communicable diseases, the urgency to achieve Universal health coverage (UHC) over the next 10 years, just to name a few. The recent Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has further unveiled the fragility of the regional healthcare systems and the opportunity to transform into a more sustainable healthcare financing and delivery models.
Against such backdrop, Sanofi and KPMG, with the support of the World Economic Forum are producing a position paper surrounding the theme of “Sustainable Healthcare in APAC: Financing & Delivery Models”, with the objective to identify and unlock financing and delivery models in APAC for better health outcomes with with a more efficient use of resources. This report will inform programming and high level dialogue on global health system resiliency at relevant World Economic Forum-hosted events. To ensure the report offers insightful and actionable solutions, we are organising this idea crowdsourcing to solicit innovative solutions from like-minded people like you.
Our idea crowdsourcing is focusing on 4 key thematic areas which are instrumental to the healthcare landscape in the region:
- Thematic area 1: Life-course immunisation
Extending vaccinations beyond childhood is one of the most cost-effective public health interventions but it is often not prioritised in many countries - Thematic area 2: Diabetes management
The Asia-Pacific region is at the forefront of the current epidemic of diabetes – the prevalence of diabetes can be as high as 40% in some Pacific island populations
- Thematic area 3: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
RSV is the most common cause of hospitalization for Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (LRTI) in children younger than five years of age - Thematic area 4: Rare disease
Health systems in Asia-Pacific must address Rare Diseases head-on to provide more personalized care solutions to 200 million people living with Rare Diseases to realize, so as to realise the goal of Universal Health Coverage – leave no one behind
Token of appreciation
As our appreciation to your contribution, contributors of ideas selected to be incorporated in our position paper will be:
- Included as the contributors of the white paper
- Potentially selected to present in our co-creation workshops with various healthcare stakeholders
Participation details
Select your thematic area of interest and submit your ideas to our thematic-specific problem statements between 3rd of December to 3rd of January 2021. Selected ideas will be notified by 8th of January 2021. Your ideas will be evaluated based on 4 key criteria: Solution relevance, maturity, scalability & sustainability and innovation & impact. You will reserve the IP of the ideas submitted, any mentions of your ideas will only be done upon your approval. Please refrain from submitting any protected health information (PHI).
To help us understand and evaluate your ideas fairly, you are encouraged to incorporate the following details in your submission:
- Solutions
- Benefits of solutions
- Key success factors/ enablers for the implementation of solutions
- Possible barriers of implementation/ risk and mitigation measures
- Measures of success
- Case studies to support ideas, where appropriate
Thematic areas
Increasing life course immunisation
Preventing Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Prioritising rare disease